
What's New

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Tax Cut in 2024

This is called “Teigaku-Genzei (定額減税)” in Japanese which is announced by government in 2024.

Basic Rules
Our Support for Employees (inc. board members)

【1】For Regular Clients, who ask us making payrolls and it’s calculations.
 … Without any additional fee, we make the necessary calculation about WHT tax and the relavant support.

【2】For Regular Clients, who make payrolls and it’s calculations by themselves.
 … We can offer the necessary support and advice within the scope of the contract with you.

【3】Non-Regular Client (inc. non-monthly) 
 … With an additional consultation fee, 18,000yen+10%tax,  we can offer the same support and advice as the regular clients 【2】above.

Our Support for Sole Proprietors and other cases

Being prepared